I can't, I just can't - Sarajayne

I have nothing - Mic (DTroi)

I knew I loved you - Robin

I loved her first - Tracy Steen

I may know - Austenwoolf

I miss you - Angelwings

I never can say goodbye - Mriana

I remember papa - Susana

I think I can - Sarajayne

I will always love you - Tracy Steen

I won - Audrey

I'll catch you - Ann

I'll see you in your dreams - Alicia

I'm scared - Sunstar

I've been here before - Amanda

Icarus factor, The - Rising sun

Icing on the cake - D Destiny

Identical DNA - April

Identically reckless - Q Destinyy

Idle thoughts - Sandra

If I wait - Gwen

If thats what it takes - Deb

If you see her - Kella

Illusions - Robin

Illusions of grandeur - Jaclyn Riker

Immaculate reunion - Lao-ma

Immortality for Deanna - Dmuk

Imperfections - Laura (Spookygirl)

Impressions - Deede

Imzadi - Unknown

Imzadi - Laurie Haynes

Imzadi - the lost truth - Natasha

Imzadi awakening - Kella

Imzadi challenge - Laura (Bookworm)

Imzadi challenge - Robin

Imzadi drabble - Pia

Imzadi is forever - Clare

Imzadi honeymoon, An - Mriana

Imzadi reunion - Carol H

Imzadi smile - Stephanie

Imzadi to lose - Sonne al'Verre

Imzadi unhinged - Irina/Ian

Imzadi Valentine - Tracy Steen

Imzadi, Mriana's version - Mriana

In a heartbeat - Cath

In another life - Starkid

In another place, a distant time - Kate

In awe of you - Christal

In death makes whole once more - Chance

In passing - Mikala

In retrospect - Laura (Spookygirl)

In search of self - Robin

In the arms of the night - Lao-ma

In the end - Asali

In the same breath - Laura (Spookygirl)

In the space of a moment - Tracy Sobieski

In your arms - Mriana

In your arms again - Nine

Inevitable - Pia

Inherited gift, The - Krissy

Inner sorrow, The - Taiba

Innocent destruction - Natasha

Innocent destruction - Phillipa

Insanity - Connie

Insinuations - Krissy

Insomnia - Lao-ma

Insurblechtion - Lori

Intense - Narelle

Intentions - Robin

Interrogation, The - Nic

Interrrogation - Clare

Interruptions - Izzy

Interruptions - Lao-ma

Intimate reticence - Q Destinyy

Intimate strangers - Lao-ma

Intimate strangers - Tracy Steen

Into the darkness - Amanda

Into the future - Jan F

Into the Nexus - Carol Heffer

Into the starlight- Ender W25

Introductions - Tourne

Intruder - Andrew Keller

Invitation, The - Clare

In your arms again - Nine

In your eyes - Tracy Steen

Irresistable - Sarajayne

Irresponsible behaviour - Mivani

Is it too late? - Christal

Is it worth it? - Rachel

Issues - Mriana

I surrender - Sunstar

Its a jungle out there - Laurie Haynes

Its a throbber - Tracy Steen

Its a wonderful life - Asali

Its all about size - Leanne

Its all coming back - Angelwings

Its good to forgive - Rachel

Its not too late - Christal

Its time - Jester

Its too late to love me now - Mriana

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