C'est la vie - Rika Numan
Cake, The - Vicki Reid
Calm voice of reason - Unknown
Can't get you out of my head - Mriana
Candlelight - Gill Marsden
Can't get any worse., Dad - Carrie
Captain's holiday, The - Rising sun
Captain Mari - Mockingbird
Careless whisper - Lao-ma
Catalyst - Narelle
Catch me - Ann
Catching up - Zlanna
Caught - Izzy
Caught - Melanie
Cell-ebrations - Srajayne
Center ice - Neely
Center, The - Q Destinyy
Chains of command, The - Mieke
Chair, The - Deede
Chair for thought, A - Virus 047
Challenge - Izzy
Challenge - Mriana
Challenge - Zipp
Challenge 3 - Rachel
Challenge 3 - Zipp
Challenges - Rising sun
Chance encounter - Djinn
Change of heart, A - Tracy Steen
Change of pace, A - Shasta
Changes - D Destiny
Changes - Deede
Changing nature - Rona
Chapel of love - Amanda K
Chewing gum follies - Michele (IceSlivers)
Chiaroscuro - Mizmac
Child's lead, A - Jaclyn Riker
Child, The - Michele (IceSlivers)
Child, The - Rising sun
Child, The - Unknown
Child - Aftermath, The - Trekkie 102
Childs play - Mriana
Chitchat - FJ Verduin
Chocolate - Faith
Chocolate is a serious thing - Shocolate
Chocolateless- Ariel
Chocolate pleasures - Mriana
Choices - Pia
Choices 2 - Pia
Christmas to remember - Unknown
Circles in the snow - Debra T
Clandestine rendezvous - Veronica
Clarity - Deede
Clash, The - Mriana
Classes - Patty
Closed quarters - Narelle
Close shave - Laura Valentine
Closer ever after - Leyenn
Clues - Rising sun
Coda 12 - Q Destinyy
Cold feet - Deede
Come back to me - Kate
Come back to me - Pia
Come what may - Irene Dietel
Come what may - Mic (DTroi)
Coming full circle - Pia
Coming home - Mia
Command decisions - FJ Verduin
Command decisions - Mic (DTroi)
Commanders revenge, The - Sherry
Commitment from the universe, A - Tracy Steen
Commitments, forever and always - Mic (DTroi)
Completed - Posterboard
Completion - Nicole
Complicated times - Liana
Complications - Robin
Compromise - Copper
Concience - H
Conclusions - Imz
Confession, A - Lao-ma
Confrontation, The - Rob Morris
Confusion reigns - Carol H
Connection sealed - D Destiny
Connections - Tracy Steen
Consequences - Rosalie
Consessions - Q Destinyy
Constructive criticism - Neely
Contemplation of fate - Neely
Conundrum - Rising sun
Conversation on chocolate - Pia
Conversation stopper - Zlanna
Conversation, The - Tracy Steen
Cost of living, The - Rising sun
Could have been 1, 2 - Gwen Slaughter
Counseling is a mans best friend - Clare
Counselor's campout, The - Mic (DTroi)
Counselors log - Tracy Steen
Counselor, a bridge officer and a heroine - D Destiny
Cours de la vie - Lori
Cradle of deception - Laura (Spookygirl)
Crash and burn - Robin
Crimson joy - Orlando
Crossing the line - Pia
Crossroads - Laura (Bookworm)
Crossroads - Q Destinyy
Cruel mercy - Patrick Parker
Crushed - Connie
Cultural differenes - Zlanna